Differentiated projects
The vision of the child as a competent being

A arte criadora e os ateliers
Held in classrooms, gardens, and other school spaces, the Ateliers are carefully designed to provide unique sensory and artistic exploration experiences. Filled with materials such as paints, clay, fabrics, paper, recycled objects, and more, they encourage experimentation, sensory exploration, and contribute to the development of various skills in a fun and meaningful way.
Guided by their teachers, our students learn to transform ideas while developing cognitive, motor, and sensory skills, as well as critical thinking and innovation. This space for discovery stimulates creativity and fosters deep connections with other areas of knowledge, such as mathematics, sciences, and languages.
In our Workshops, we promote creative freedom and teamwork while fostering values such as sustainability and interdisciplinarity. The goal is to nurture students who are capable of communicating ideas, solving problems, and applying knowledge creatively in all contexts.
At Colégio Catarina de Bragança, art contributes to meaningful and transformative learning. The Ateliers are vibrant spaces that promote children’s creativity and artistic expression.

The Importance of Free Play
Children can explore the natural environment, plant, observe plants growing and interact in a practical and playful way. Contact with nature not only promotes physical and motor development but also stimulates integration between the body and the environment, promoting a healthy and enriching relationship.
We recognise that learning is not synonymous with sitting still and being inactive. Our educational environments go beyond the traditional classroom, allowing learning to take place in gardens, corridors and other locations chosen by the children themselves. This dynamic model encourages cooperation, creativity and autonomy while respecting the biological and social nature of each child.

Autonomous Work Time
Autonomous Work Time is guided by the Individual or Collective Work Plan, where students register, at the beginning of the week, the tasks they intend to carry out and, throughout the days, mark those they complete. This strategy promotes responsibility and self-regulation in the learning process, with guidance from the teacher in the initial phases.
This pedagogical moment transforms differentiation into a real and authentic practice, adjusting the teaching-learning process to the individual needs of each student. The aim is to provide equal opportunities for success, enabling each child to learn at their own pace and achieve high standards of academic learning.

Skills Promotion Programmes
With the development of vocabulary and sentence construction, we introduce specific phonological awareness sessions, which include strategies such as songs, nursery rhymes, rhymes and word lists. Throughout the year, we address the 42 sounds of the Portuguese language in a progressive way, encouraging fun and structured learning.
Our psychologist develops programmes to promote socio-emotional skills, which aim to prevent and reduce behavioral and socio-emotional problems in children. In the 4th year, a skills promotion programme is implemented that supports students with strategies to enable them to adapt positively and smoothly to 5th year – transition from primary to preparatory school.


Integrated English and CLIL Approach
Multilingual skills are recognised as essential skills, which must be developed early to ensure the success of lifelong learning.
In the current context of mobility, internationalisation and interculturality, we believe that learning English is an indispensable and facilitating tool in adapting to a globalised world.
We have established an educational partnership with Cambridge University. Colégio Catarina de Bragança is a Cambridge Educational Partner, implementing an integrative English programme that involves the entire educational community. It is also a Cambridge Preparation Center for English Qualifications, which allows students to take Cambridge exams in our school facilities.
Colégio Catarina de Bragança invests in the early development of children’s communicative proficiency in English. The English project is implemented by specialised teams made up of teachers and teaching assistants and includes:
- Bilingual Learning, by linguistic immersion – Portuguese and English – from Nursery
- English classes from preschool
- CLIL Approach (Content and Language Integrated Learning) from preschool
- English Subject with Cambridge Curriculum (primary and preparatory school)
- Cambridge Certification – Young Learners Exams (primary and preparatory school)

To Be Healthy – Health and Well-being
Project To Be developed and launched the To Be Healthy project, aiming for its schools to be a reference in promoting health and well-being in educational communities.
With regards to School Meals, To Be Healthy aims to adopt healthier and more sustainable eating habits and practices. It is implemented in partnership with nutritionist Mariana Bessa, from Nutrir – Food and Nutrition Consultancy, and includes:
- Varied, balanced and complete menus, with natural ingredients and essential nutrients and a daily ovolactovegetarian option;
- Training human resources at schools (kitchen staff, for training and improving menu preparation methods, and teachers, who will continue the food education project with students);
- Food Educational Activities with students;
- Workshops with the families;
- Food Waste monitoring and reduction.
To Be Healthy menus focus on offering fresh fruits and vegetables, reducing meat consumption and reducing the use of refined sugars and salt.
To Be Healthy promotes the regular physical activity and sports in everyday school life, recognising their benefits and contributing to the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of students.
To Be Schools have numerous curricular and extracurricular activities related to physical activity and students develop projects on the topics of health education and healthy lifestyle habits. Interschool initiatives (competitions, school visits and outings) are promoted at schools and in the community, and activities are organised with the participation of families (walks, projects).

Reggio Emilia and the Hundred Languages Of Children
In our carefully prepared classrooms and workshops, children have daily opportunities to explore different materials, express ideas and work with their hands, mind and heart. This unique method promotes individual expression and group interactions, building relationships and stimulating our students’ natural curiosity.
The projects started from the children’s interests, guided by a flexible and engaging methodology, which stimulates critical thinking and problem solving. This approach also includes the active participation of families and the school community, strengthening ties and cohesion around a common goal: the integral development of children.
At our School, the Reggio Emilia philosophy connects creativity, respect and learning, preparing children for the future with solid skills and deep human values.

Modern School Movement
In this model, children are the driving force behind their learning. The Educator/Teacher, through active observation, values and encourages learning linked to the child’s interests.
The role of the Educator/Teacher is to support and guide group work, encouraging collaboration and shared problem-solving, transforming the child’s interest into meaningful learning opportunities.

Learn Math
In preschool, in addition to informal everyday moments, we hold weekly math sessions with manipulative materials, such as Logic Blocks and the experimental math programme CSMP (Comprehensive School Mathematics Programme). Logic Blocks are versatile tools for exploring mathematical concepts at different ages. Because they are highly manipulable, they facilitate the development of logical thinking and problem-solving in a playful and interactive way. The CSMP programme allows the exploration of mathematical concepts and their appropriation. The show’s stories introduce concepts in a unique and fun language, involving dots, strings and arrows in group problem-solving.
In this process, children have an active and real role in learning. Through dialogue, they discuss ideas, explore solutions and build knowledge in a collaborative and exciting way.
In primary school, we use the Singapore Math’s Method to make math more practical and meaningful. This method offers students diverse experiences that allow them to apply mathematical concepts in their daily lives, reflecting on their own learning process. Problem-solving, supported by schematisation, is central to this approach, ensuring that children develop solid mathematical foundations, both procedurally and conceptually.

Project Work Methodology
From the age of three, our students learn with the Project Work Methodology. From the group’s questions and interests, projects emerge that are designed as a chain of mental and practical activities. Many projects begin with morning conversations, where news brought by children can be transformed into studies or interventions in the community, aiming for positive change. The process begins with a question, followed by a diagnostic assessment to identify what is already known about the topic and what you want to discover. Then, the work is planned and divided, with children researching and solving problems, individually or in groups. At the end, they share with the group what they learnt, promoting questions, reflections and opinions about the work carried out.
In primary, this methodology gains even more strength, especially in science, geography and history subjects, where Project Work becomes a powerful instrument for autonomous learning, sharing and integration of knowledge. At this stage, it is structured as a discipline that promotes a rich and integrated education:
• Involved and shared: students are involved in planning the work, both conceptually and functionally;
• Collaborative and interactive: students work together from planning to producing and presenting results;
• Integrated and comprehensive: Students use knowledge from various areas to find answers and understand the problem globally;
Project Work translates and applies the principles of democracy and mutual aid. It allows students to express themselves freely, share their knowledge and work as a team. Each student is responsible for the success of the group, creating a positive interdependence that promotes cooperation and collective growth.

Social Impact
Our students participate in projects with effective social impact, which respect their motivation and interests, and involve them in a meaningful and memorable way in dynamic and experiential learning.
We believe that the school is an active agent of change in the community, we educate students to exercise lifelong citizenship and involve families in actions that have an effective impact.
Every two school years, Project To Be finds a common theme that results in a large project that involves all To Be educational communities.
The BE BLUE Project – For a Bluer Ocean and an always Green Planet mobilised the educational communities of To Be Schools for the cause of protecting the Ocean (see the Be Blue Documentary).
Numerous scientific-pedagogical, field and artistic activities were developed in schools and public places in the community, in partnership with personalities and entities linked to the sea.
Be Blue involved the active participation of students, educational communities and local communities across all To Be Schools.
The BE KIND Project – A Bridge Between Generations sensitised the educational communities of To Be schools about the importance of intergenerationality in building a more supportive and inclusive society.
Its main purpose was to mobilise students, educational and local communities to develop initiatives that promote getting together and sharing between generations.
To Be Schools united with various entities from local communities to organise intergenerational dynamics. The grandmothers and grandfathers of the To Be families were a constant presence in schools, sharing memories, knowledge and experiences (watch the film Vila Be Kind Be Happy).

To Be Parent
Project To Be encourages, in its schools, a family and affective environment, with the participation of parents as central elements of educational processes, valuing openness and cooperation within the school community.
In compliance with the To Be values, there will be organised information sessions open to families or thematic sessions on parental education.
Catarina de Bragança´s parents are encouraged to participate as speakers in lectures and webinars related to topics in their professional area of interest.
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