Quality and Security
We Elevate Our Standards

Food Quality, Hygiene and Safety
We meet HACCP’s criteria and quality standards and are certified by accredited external entities. Our menus are prepared by a nutritionist.

Access security
We guarantee surveillance and security in access control – entrances and exits.

Discrimination, bullying and violence prevention
We monitor the physical and socio-emotional well-being of our students and prevent situations of discrimination, bullying and violence, ensuring inclusive schools. A s part of the citizenship education strategy, we adopt prevention and rapid intervention procedures.

Facilities Maintenance
The School ensures compliance with preventive and corrective maintenance plans (when necessary). Playground equipment is subject to regular audits carried out by accredited external entities.

Fire and Earthquake prevention
Our facilities are certified by accredited external entities. We regularly carry out evacuation drills with students and staff in compliance with current emergency plans.

Accident prevention
We ensure the implementation of accident prevention measures in our facilities, requiring strict compliance with current standards and regulations. Our team has certified training in basic adult and pediatric life support.

Transparency, confidentiality and data protection
The School complies with the legislation in force regarding data protection, namely Law No. 58/2019, from 8th of August, which ensures the implementation of the European Union´s General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (GDPR). Employees are bound by confidentiality within reach of the performance of their duties.
Talk With Us
Get to know the educational project of Colégio Catarina de Bragança and guarantee an individualized and complete development and learning experience.